
Showing posts from October, 2017


My time with dating apps was relatively short. At one point or another, I was a member of Grindr, GROWLr, Scruff, and Surge, all at the same time. My experience was not what I had hoped for at all. I heard it was almost too easy to find someone to have sex with. If I couldn't find someone to have sex with on one of these apps, I was doing something wrong. I didn't even go out on one date. Defeated, deflated, and sent slithering down into Mom's basement, again. I had a few interested persons but, they were either already in a relationship or someone I was not interested in sexually. I ran into some old friends but, didn't make any new ones. Yet again, showcasing how living outside more prominent LGBTQ communities has an effect. I admit I have "red flags" and being single is largely my fault but, I can't help wonder what my life would be like if I attended High School or even college in this area and found someone who was interested in a relation...


I was recently asked about my goals for, "No Pride" and I think it's important to announce them for all readers to see. First, I've never been fully comfortable with my own homosexuality.  Call it internalized homophobia, oppression, lack of self-esteem or confidence. I feel better when I talk out loud, too bad, not many people want to talk to me about "gay stuff". Writing allows me to say things I don't normally get to say. Blogging is cathartic for me.  Second, the LGBTQ community doesn't truly exist in my area. By telling my story/stories, as unimportant and insignificant as they may be to the overall picture, it shows the issues all people who identify as LGBTQ face from my perspective. States like California, New York, and Washington have a prominent LGBTQ voice, Alabama does not. Third, this could potentially turn into a larger, self-sufficient community in the future. Again, the LGBTQ community doesn't have the reach a lot of pe...