One of us, one of us, one of us...

As I've said before, there are difficulties with being openly gay and living in Alabama. The list is rather long and would possibly make you question what the current year is. It's 2018... Last year, after striking out on dating apps for months, I decided to quit while I was ahead. Being alone sucks but, it beats losing sleep over all the ridiculous obstacles one must overcome to secure a date. Besides all of my own red flags, which, I admittedly have, there seems to be a full examination I've either never cared to partake in or was oblivious to its very existence. "What are you looking for?" ... A date? People still go on dates, right? "No, what are you looking for in a relationship?" Really, just a date. We can talk about relationship goals on the third date. Marriage goals in a year or two, okay, 6 months at the least. Can I just hold your hand and talk about our interests first? "I'd like to get to know you better....