A Myriad of Issues

I really try to put things into perspective the best way I can without trying to be negative all the time, but in discussing the LGBTQ community, especially from my perspective, there aren't a lot of positive things for me to say.

It's not difficult to explain, it's just very time consuming because it's multi-faceted and complex in ways, a lot of people can't, don't, or purposely choose not to understand.

In looking at the list of topics I want to write about and hopefully, one day given a chance to discuss publicly, it showcases how talking about anything LGBTQ related is extremely difficult for those who don't have a platform or a group to talk with on a regular basis. 

I have a notepad document with all the things I plan to write about. It's my, "List of Writing Ideas".

It has notes about every blog and writing project I'm currently working on and ones I plan to work on at some point in the future.

For, "No Pride", the list currently includes the following:

  1. My thoughts on, "Gym Rats". 
  2. My High School experience. (I went to High School in Wyoming, the same time Matthew Shepard was murdered.)
  3. The reasons why I don't feel proud of my sexual orientation. 
  4. My thoughts on, "LGBTQs for Trump".
  5. Stephen Colbert's "cock-holster" comments, the following FCC investigation, and the Republican party's hypocrisy in response to Mr. Colbert's comments. 
  6. "Dating apps causing more promiscuous tendencies in gay men."
  7. "Pornography doesn't ruin sex."
  8. Allow me to tell you why, anyone who ran off to, "Elite Singles", is a piece of garbage. 
  9. "That's gay.", "It's not gay if you don't push back", "It's not gay if your balls don't touch his.", and other ignorant and homophobic, "No homo." style comments. 
  10. "Putting the shoe on the other foot.", a look at the young girl who came out to her community through her church and then had her story, cut short.
  11. More about the lack of awareness, the current LGBTQ community exhibits. 
  12. My thoughts on my family members' comments about two gay Dads featured in a cartoon.
  13. The Trump Administration's lack of acknowledgment towards, "Pride Month". 
  14. A "humorous" Help Wanted Ad, where I write a detailed account of who I am and beg other countries with far more positive LGBTQ communities to take me in.
  15. "The Wounded Warriors Project" and their slogan; "The biggest wound is being forgotten." Yeah, Trace Adkins, I can relate. 
  16. Reddit's "Ask the LGBTQ community" subreddits and the toxicity I've experienced within.
  17. My thoughts on, Cameron Esposito's, "Queery" comments about gay men not openly discussing sex with other men.
  18.  "Doesn't play well with others.",  How Alabama and homophobic work environments created a permanent Red-Flag on my work history. 
  19. The difference in homosexual acceptance over the years. From, "The Stonewall Riots", to "The AIDS Quilt", to "Matthew Shepard", to "Love Wins". 
  20. Empowering women in the workplace. Again, "When does it get better, for the LGBTQ community?".
  21. The ACLU's disappearing act in regards to LGBTQ issues in Alabama. 
  22. Looking into the gay community's problem with racism and dating. 
  23. Openly gay, but still uncomfortable. 
  24. Talking about rural isolation on the internet. 
  25. The differences between the Sutherland Springs church shooting and the Pulse Nightclub shooting. 
  26. An in-depth look at rural isolation. 
  27. My thoughts on pornographic videos with text banners across them. 
  28. Homosexuality was a criminal offense in the '60s.
  29. Why I'm not going to run for political office in Alabama. 
  30. Adam Rippon; "Fake Progress" versus, "Real Progress". 
  31. "Why don't you move out of Alabama?"
  32. Zero Visibility; I'm not a stereotypical, "Cookie Cut", homosexual and how not having a well-known representation causes damage.
  33. Body image issues within the gay community. 
  34. "Switch Bear, Inc."; talking about a goal of mine I hope to achieve sometime in the future. 

Notice how most of them are not positive. As much as I want this to change, it isn't going to happen anytime soon. 

The reality of being gay in The South is different. Deeply, darkly, and depressingly different. 

If you're interested in reading about the topics above, great. If you're not interested in reading about the topics above, great.

I can understand the reasons why to either decision.

"No Pride", is now a project I openly promote. 

It's more in line with a "passion project" than any other writing project I currently have. 

My overall reasons for continuing to work on, "No Pride", is because I believe it's important for me to write about these topics regardless of the response and reception. 

I do want to give people a chance to leave this project behind without going too far into, "The Black", as it were. 

I want to thank everyone for their support. It means a lot to me. 


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